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In order to reduce the risk of contagion from Covid-19 but continue to live and share the beauties of nature in safety, we ask you to carefully read the following information that explains what you must have and how you must behave to participate in the excursions.


The reservation will be compulsorily made by telephone (by voice or via Whatsapp) and must be confirmed by the guide.

The excursion is limited. The maximum number of participants indicated is mandatory.


  • You do not have the required personal protective equipment

  • You have flu symptoms such as widespread pain, fever equal to or greater than 37.5 ° C, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste and / or smell or you have experienced them in the 15 days prior to the excursion

  • We had contact with people with Covid-19 in the 15 days prior to the excursion

  • You are positive for Covid-19 or are subject to a medical isolation regime


  1. The REGULATION has been read and accepted

  2. There are none of the hindering reasons indicated

  3. You have all the required personal protective equipment and are used correctly.


Each participant must arrive at the excursion without fail equipped with:

  • clothing and technical equipment suitable for the excursion (clothing suitable for the exit and weather conditions, trekking shoes with rigid or non-slip soles in case of boat excursion, backpack, water bottle, rain jacket, sunglasses, insect repellent, cream solar, sticks, etc.)

  • packed lunch and / or snack

  • water as needed, and climatic conditions.


Approved protective masks (at least 2) and alcohol-based disinfectant gel according to CE standards (not self-produced)

  • Pen to sign the acceptance of the regulation

  • Bags to dispose of waste


The participant must strictly follow all the instructions that will be communicated by the guide for the entire duration of the excursion. Report to the guide immediately if there are members of the group who do not respect all the indications given. In that case the guide can ask the person to leave the group by returning the fee and declaring in front of witnesses that it is no longer under his responsibility.

CAR SHARING: it is not recommended to share cars to reach the meeting point of the excursion, except in the case of couples or cohabitants. If this is not possible, only two people with a mask on the diagonal (driver and rear right seat) will be seated in the car.


The guide will call the participants one by one, who equipped with all the required PPE will have to sign the regulation with their own pen and pay the registration fee.

MASK. The VA mask is worn on arrival, welcome, briefing, during stops and when crossing the path with other people, even if not belonging to your group, as well as when you have to cough or sneeze. The mask MUST NOT be worn while walking as long as you keep a safety distance of at least 2 meters from the other participants. It should therefore always be kept on hand to be worn quickly.

HANDS. Hands must be disinfected very often with the appropriate disinfectant. The use of gloves is not necessary during the excursion, but it is advisable to have disposable gloves with you as required for emergency situations. Once removed and well disposed of, you need to disinfect your hands again. Gloves are put on and removed according to the usual ministerial directions. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth with or without PPE.

DISPOSAL OF PPE. During the excursion each participant must be provided with a plastic bag to dispose of used PPE.

DISTANCE. It is mandatory to maintain a safety distance of at least 2 meters with any other person, except for cohabitants. This minimum distance must be kept during every moment of the excursion, while stationary and in motion.

CLOTHING. Each participant must be equipped with a plastic bag to store sweaty clothes, in case of change, which cannot be put to dry in the open air, but must be placed in an envelope and put in the backpack. The exchange of clothes for any reason, whether clean or used, is expressly prohibited.

OBJECTS. The exchange of personal items, even temporarily, is absolutely forbidden: Do not pass trekking poles, water bottles, food, cocoa butter, creams, glasses and any personal object or objects found in nature.

DANGER / HELP SIGN. It will be agreed with the guide: the group will stop adequately spaced to give the guide the opportunity to intervene as allowed by the rules.

STOP FOR LUNCH. During the lunch break, participants must be at distances of at least 2 meters excluding families and / or relatives. Should the guide approach any of the customers both will have to put on the mask again.


Assume the arrangement of the initial reception:

1. Avoid the classic group photo too close

2. Avoid gatherings in the place where the cars are parked

If after the excursion (even a few days) symptoms are accused and, after analysis, it is discovered that they are positive for Covid-19, it is a good idea to notify the guide who will take care, in respect of privacy, to alert the other participants.


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Via Alpine Divisions, 47

16010 Tiglieto (GE) - VAT number: 02331040994

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